I started a photo album for all VW toys, but thought we should start a thread on one where people can show there collection or there favourite or new ones coming out. Might also be a good place to give people a heads up on them as so often the VW toys sell out in the stores and are sold on ebay etc for more (just like flippers in small scale)Anyway, here are a couple I already uploaded.Fastback, 1/24 scale, Maistom/photos/get_image/file/0a6cca6050b29ef562d514044c0f1f5b.jpgChopped beetle, 1/24 scale, Maisto:m/photos/get_image/file/84d3967c8ac9b4287aacf78e2c1321f1.jpg
My collection is pretty large and has loads of different stuff in other than toys like tapes on how to sell a volkswagens, watches, stickers and loads more.Here is a picture of a cool remote control car that summa found in a toy shop here.
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