Tuesday, 07 May 2013
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  836 Visits

As part of the recent site update we have created a general group that all site new members will automatically join. We are also retrospectively joining up all current site members. The reason for the new group is to provide a centralized area for general discussion and notifications. This change is part of the recent site update and is one of many improvements that we are making.

Currently discussions are mainly carried out on the front page which means that ongoing discussions soon disappear from view. By placing these discussions within a group it makes it easier for members to keep track of things. Having a common group also provides a common place for notifications and discussions relating to the site, discussions such as this one. It also allows us to showcase the groups section which is one of the great but underused features of the site.

So if you're wondering why you are all of a sudden a member of a group that you did not join this is the reason.

If you do not wish to receive notifications from the group you can easily change your settings by following the links above. You can also opt to leave the group should you wish.



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