Friday, 24 April 2015
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We are in the process of a major update over at the Type 34 Registry reviewing and updating all of the library articles. This is a mammoth task as we literally have hundreds of articles to go through. We are looking for volunteers to help us speed up this process. If you would like to lend a hand and get involved in the review process read on for an outline of what's involved.

The review process is automated: Once a week you will be emailed a list of articles that need updating, all you need to do is read through the articles in the list, check the content and make any corrections that need to be made. In most cases the articles are still relevant and little more than a cursory glance is required before re-saving them. If you find articles that require extensive updating you can forward them to me or one of the other admins and let us take care of them. There really isn't much to the whole process, it's very easy, and for those articles that prove to be a bit too difficult, just email the link to one of us Admins and we will take care of it. If we can get two more volunteers involved you will receive approximately 6 articles to review in each email, this normally takes only a few minutes per article.

The Type 34 Registry is approaching 30 years old and next year will mark 20 years since the Registry website was launched. Over the past 20 years the website has gone through many changes, admins have come and gone, features have changed and what started out as a subscription based membership to a posted out magazine has been superseded initially by the advent of the internet and the Registry website and most lately by the rise of social media and proliferation of Type 34 related Facebook groups and pages. In all of that time the Registry has remained true to its initial goals of uniting Type 34 owners. sharing information and documenting the remaining cars left.

One thing has remained constant throughout this time, the volunteers who freely give their time to help keep the site alive. Without these volunteers the Registry would not be able to survive. If you would like to contribute to help keep The Registry alive please get involved, every little helps, there is always something to do. If you want to help in any way please message me or reply here.
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