• whatnow commented on the blog post, an idea
    an idea
    •   General
    •   Wednesday, 28 October 2009

    this morning (while in the shower of course) i thought of some more things. the body of a bigcap is big enough to fit 2 sets of points. aka you could run each coil off it's own set of points. from what i have read the cast body distributors don't have the 3 deg retard on number three so no worry...

    this morning (while in the shower of course) i thought of some more things. the body of a bigcap is big enough to fit 2 sets of points. aka you could run each coil off it's own set of points. from what i have read the cast body distributors don't have the 3 deg retard on number three so no worry there. then i thought of something else... if you used say the top plates out of a stock oval vacuum advance dist (VJU4 BR8), heavily modified of course to take one set of points on the bottom (fixed) plate as well as those on the top plate (movable), you could fairly easily make a set up that allowed you to adjust the timing of the two coils. aka you could run them in sync for one BIG spark or set them just out of phase to run one long spark or even split them completely and have two sparks with a degree or 3 separation between them. i'm sure you could even work out a vacuum can set up to advance or retard one coil under load. tuning this system for optimum power etc would prob be way beyond me but still.
    i won't get into my dream of twin plugs and twin distributors each with two coils and variable coil timing.

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