If it's related to shows or events, this is the place to do it.

Hessisch Oldendorf 2009


Hessisch Oldendorf vintage veteranentreffen

Every four years western Europe is treated to the rumble of aircooled engines as thousands of enthusiasts make their way to the small German town of Hessisch Oldendorf, and this was one of those years.

The vintage meet in Hessisch is known the world over for its selection of early VWs and parts. People travel from as far as the United States of America and Japan for this two day event, and they have good reason to. 
  1050 Hits

VEC Volksfest Cruise


This evening I went on the Volksenthusiasts Club (VEC) Volksfest cruise. This is the precursor to the Volksfest event happening on Sunday at Port Adelaide. The cruise met at the Botanical Gardens and went for a run through the city before finishing up for pizza and coffee. I was fortunate enough to hitch a ride with Fin, a fellow razor owner, who let me ride in his razor, so at least I got to cruise in style. :)


The turnout was excellent, despite a very heavy downpour just an hour before the kick off time. Fortunately the weather held out and didn't put off the cruisers from attending.


The range of rides was pretty varied, with some new just finished rides such as the white and candy red splitty, some stock, some custom, some ratty, and even a new style emerging with an oval bug with exausts through the fenders - definately something new happening there.

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  1937 Hits

VEC Volksfest Show


Today I went to the Volksethusiasts Club Volksfest Show, at Port Adelaide. The Show was held in Todd Street, which had been closed off especially for the event. Some initial doubts about the weather turned into a day of sunshine, with the weather holding out for the whole day. There were a varied bunch of cars in attendance, ranging from normal to insane, there was also a fair turnout of busses, in fact I would say that there more busses than bugs - something that you would not have seen a few years back. There were a few guys that had made the trip over from Victoria, bringing some cool rides with them, definately a great roadtrip, and a lot of fun, I'm sure.

It was a great day, hooking up with a few people I know, and also meeting some new people too, I managed to score a rear screen for the oval (thanks Fin for putting it aside for me), take some snaps and checkout some cool rides - Couldn't ask for a better way to spend a Sunday arvo

For more photos of the event, check the gallery - http://www.vdubber.com/photo/gallery_tag/Volksenthusiasts Club Volksfest Show There's also a couple of videos in the video gallery too.

  1743 Hits

Rods and Rockers


Took a cruise out to the Uraidla rod and custom show yesterday with the Volksenthusiasts club. A 9am start from Burnside, preceded a nice mellow cruise up through the Adelaide hills and on to Uraidla Oval, Uraidler. Afer a little confusion about how to get on the oval, and our cruise leader getting everyone to do a u turn only to find out the oval traffic was one way, meaning everyone had to do a uturn back the other way again (not aming any names *cough* Fin *cough*) LOL.


The show had a really good turnout, with a lot of early rods as well as the usual array of 60's chrome. The Autojumble was a dissapointment with only new parts on offer and no treasures to search through, but the quality and variety of cars more than made up for it. The weather was very good, but the hot weather forced many cars into the shade of the trees, which meant that it was hard to get a good look at some of them.

There's a vid of the cruise up there here - http://www.vdubber.com/video/gallery/Uraidler-Rod-and-Custom-Cruise

And some (VW) photos from the event here - http://www.vdubber.com/photo/gallery_tag/Uraidla Rod and Custom Show Volksenthusiasts Club Cruise


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  2160 Hits

Day of the VW

It's been a pretty busy time of late, not really had a chance to post much to the site, most of my time has been put into getting a new business venture off of the ground. I've been putting together some software modifications for sale online and starting a webhosting / webdesign company. I seem to spend most of my time online, so I decided to see if I could make some money from it - seemed like a logical thing to do.

So whilst not much has happened VW-wise, I did get to go to a local show - Day of the VW.

For those who are not familiar with Adelaide VW clubs - there are two of them. The VW peoples club and the popular peoples VW club. From what I understand, one stated as a splinter group from the other (something to do with a disagreement over which biscuits to serve with tea). In a way they are like two warring factions, vying for the same members, but oddly enough many Adelaide Vdubbers are members of both, and even more strange than that  -  all thie VW shows are called the same thing - The Day of the Volkswagen.

So anyhows, I hitched a lift with Fin in his newly painted Razor - (he's had some lacework detail added to his roof - an awesome effect) - and off we headed to the show. The turnout was pretty good, with some good quality cars in attendance. Swapmeet had a few stalls, some choice parts too - NOS split single cab roof section, NOS 11 window complete rear corners, various bits and bobs, but no mangles :(

I managed to hook up with Rusti Ovali, and persuaded him to let me do a feature on his car, so we commandeered a spare bit of field and managed to snap off some pics for the ezine. Funnily enough - just as we were leaving I heard that he had won another award - Good job!!

I've posted some pics up on the facebook group and will post them up in the gallery here when I get a spare 5 mins - for those who cannot wait - here's the direct link - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=7703&id=100000743599840&l=55d11e5222 and a few pics to be getting on with

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  2077 Hits

Volksfest Show


This weekend past was the Volksenthusiasts club of South Australia's Volksfest show. It was held at Port Adelaide, in Todd Street, which now seems to have replaced the events previous home at Wiggley Reserve in Glenelg, with three events now having been held there.

The numbers seemed to be down a little from the previous show, and this may in part be due to the absence of many of the interstate visitors. But, whilst numbers were down, the quality was definitely up. The number of good quality cars seems to have risen, with some truly outstanding rides in attendance.

My personal favourite of the show was this grey oval bug, which was immaculately turned out, and possibly fresh from the oven, as it did not look to be registered, and so my guess is possibly a new build (turbo54 - is this yours?). Don't have any more details on it, but will keep you posted if I find out more.

For a change (lol) I hitched a lift to the show in someone else's VW - this time Matt 'Choco' Tully from here on Vdubber, generously donated some flying time in his gold bug. After meeting Matt and the other cruisers at Harbortown in the morning we cruised down to the show, with me acting as firewatch ;)

The shows atmosphere was pretty laid back, and rolled up with a nice lunch at the local pub, and some shopping at the markets, even MelleMel did not get too bored :) There was a good variety of rides, with the only thing missing being a Type 34 - which is surprising considering that Adelaide does not have that many shows, and there are quite a few Type 34's here. The swap meet also seemed to be a lot smaller than at past shows.

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  1994 Hits