Garage Finished
Finally the garage is finished. I managed to finish off putting the roof on and fixing up all of the little fiddly bits to make it water-tight. The biggest job was tying the roof of new garage into the roof of the old garage. The new garage is an extension to the old original brick built garage, it's a modern steel framed, tin clad jobby, whereas the original garage is a brick built one. Obviously they are two different sizes and annoyingly the roof pitches are different as well. This meant that tying to two together, and making them water-tight took a litle inginuity (and possibly luck). It still remains to be seen if it leaks though.
Now that the structure is finished off, I need to get it wired up with power and lighting. I also need to get it fitted out inside. I had spied some nice heavy duty racking at Bunnings recently, but unfortuntely, when I went to visit at the weekend, they did not have any of the long span pieces in stock, a visit to another store was fruitless, as they were out of stock too. Both had plently of the other pieces. :( Hopefully they will have some in stock this coming weekend, if not i will order some in.
I also need to finish off building the workbench I am making. This oddly started off life as a fernhouse in the garden. Whilst I was pulling it down I decided that rather than throw it out, it could make a good workbench, so I chopped the supporting columns down to bench height size, and narrowed the whole frame to the width of a bench. It's now about 5 metres long, and fits nicely at one end of the garage. I plan to get some nice thick marine ply or MDF for the worktop, and also cover a section with stanless to make a nice clean area for engine / gearbox assembly.
Other things to do are reinstate the water supply. There used to be a stand-pipe right in the center of where the garage now is. I removed this to allow the slab to be laid, but will re-run it, and fit the spare laundry sink unit that I have in the corner, as it will save making greasy marks in the house. Ultimately this means digging in a new drain - but this may wait until i fit the water tank at the rear of the garage, as I will need to dig in a wet riser to tie the tank into the house as well.
I also made a start on removing the rear wall of the garage, to join tyhe old space with the new. This is about half removed and just needs a bit of tidying up. Unfortuntely until I get the new racking in place I cannot progress any further as I need to move the old work bench in the old part of the garage, as it is in the way, but the tools that are in it need to go on the new racking.
I'm stoked that finally it is finished off, and I can start working towards getting all of the projects under cover.