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  •   Mick reacted to this post about 8 years ago
    Dubs By The River - September 10-11 2016.
    Morgan, South Australia.

    Following on from last years small get together of 11 VWs by the River Murray at Morgan we are holding another Dubs By The River on the weekend of 10-1 September 2016.

    Saturday will begin with a Cruise starting from the Blanchetown Service Station at 11am.
    Hopefully Dubbers coming up from Adelaide will meet at a start point at Moppa Road Nuriootpa about 10am and travel up together to Blanchetown.
    The Cruise will travel to Waikerie by Midday for lunch and sightseeing and then through to Morgan in the arvo.
    There are 3 possible routes to Morgan each with a ferry crossing. Participants will be able to chose which way suits their vehicle best as some of the ferry ramps are pretty sharp.
    We are hoping to try a Kombi Cram on the Cadell Ferry (aim is for 10 Kombis!)
    The Mark 1 Golf Guys are going to try for the same on the Morgan Ferry.

    Saturday night we have organised a fellow Dubber musician to do a gig at one of the local pubs.
    Camping and Accommodation is available at Morgan. The Sunday Picnic BBQ is right alongside the caravan park unpowered camping area so those staying there won't even have to move their cars. There are local Motels, BnBs and Hotel Rooms and the Caravan Park has cabins available.

    Sunday is a day to relax and socialize on the lawns by the River Murray with a Picnic or BBQ, there are also plenty of takeaway food options available.
    This is a social, non club event to enjoy getting together with other Dubbers. No show and shine is planned but last year plenty of locals and people travelling passed came over to look and chat.

    More info will be added at  https://www.facebook.com/#!/Dubs-By-The-River-1727775030793463/ as we get more organised.
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