• My Arduino Mega boards have arrived so I spent a bit of time establishing communication and uploading the firmware and baseline tune to the boards. I also connected Tuner Studio to the board. Still waiting for the components for the Speeduino before I can make it up.

    I also finished the hard piping between the engine and the disconnects that I mounted to the moustache bar. There will be a small flexible line that runs between the these lines and similar lines mounted to the chassis that run forwards to the oil cooler and filter. I'm hoping that these will be less vulnerable than the old flexi lines that they have replaced.

    I've also been playing around with some COP solutions and have found one that works pretty well. I've been trying out a variety of different COP's trying to find one that fits the Type 1 setup. I've still got a few more on order and will try them out before I decided on which one I want to use but one works very well as COP and the other works well as a CNP solution.
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