• Still managing to get some small jobs chipped off of the list. Finally managed to get one of my front hub adaptors finished off. These are made from 10mm steel plate, which is a bit heavy, but then this is not a race car so the sprung mass is not really that critical and it will make for a smoother ride, which is not a bad thing.

    I had already had the plate laser cut and then drilled it out on my dividing head. If I was to do it again (which I might) I would do it a little differently, but as I had these I decided to use them. I pressed the studs out of the new bay hub and drilled it for M14 on the dividing head. I then drilled and countersunk the adaptor plate for the mounting bolts. I then faced the adaptor plate off to make is flat and true. Next I drilled out the adaptor plate to accept the press in studs that I had removed from the hub and pressed them in on my shop press. For anyone thinking of doing this themselves it took about 5 tons to press them in so a small 10/12 ton shop press should easily do the job.

    One down, one to go. Then I will send them off to get zinc plated. All I need now is to find some suitable lug nuts.
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