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One more small step towards the goal; received some coil pack connectors for the twin coil packs.
I'm kinda not looking forwards to making up the loom, which is kind ironic considering that my background is electrical engineering and I'm a qualified A-class sparky. Go figure. Guess it's too much like a busmans holiday. Still need to source cabling and overbraid and am waiting on the plugs for the O2 sensor.
Still haven't done any work on the bus as I've been tied up making blower kits....One more small step towards the goal; received some coil pack connectors for the twin coil packs.More
I'm kinda not looking forwards to making up the loom, which is kind ironic considering that my background is electrical engineering and I'm a qualified A-class sparky. Go figure. Guess it's too much like a busmans holiday. Still need to source cabling and overbraid and am waiting on the plugs for the O2 sensor.
Still haven't done any work on the bus as I've been tied up making blower kits. Hoping that I'm going to get the bus running in time for #dubsbytheriver
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