• whatnow commented on the blog post, oh fuck.
    oh fuck.

    harry's heading on towards 4 1/2. courtney our eldest is excellent with him, they get along really well. even when he was really young he could tell when she walked into the room.
    it is great to have her around, if we need to jump down to the shops or something she will keep an eye on him and...

    harry's heading on towards 4 1/2. courtney our eldest is excellent with him, they get along really well. even when he was really young he could tell when she walked into the room.
    it is great to have her around, if we need to jump down to the shops or something she will keep an eye on him and we know everything will be alright. we don't have to drag him out to the car then get him out etc etc. she likes it too as she can earn herself some extra $ too just by hanging out with her brother and having fun.
    i kind of like the idea of sending them out to work... if i send marnie and the girls out to work maybe i could stay home and play cars? sounds like an excellent plan... now if i could just get harry to clean up the greasy part for me...

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