•   Mick commented on this post about 9 years ago
    3 weeks ago really.
    Went down to Swan Reach for a camping weekend ith the folks.
    On the way home the motor cut out. Seemed like it was vaporising. On top of that, the slighlty sloppy rotor button became a rotates where it wants rotor button. The small tag that locates it on the distributor shaft broke. Try getting a rotor button for a 71 VW 1600 on a Sunday.
    Result. RAA truck from Blanchetown to Wakerie. Night in the tent at Wakerie Caravan Park. Try getting a motel with an 11 year old Cavalier Maltese cross (read vicious, room destroying mongrel!) (For those of you who've met Rosie you'd wonder how they'd turn her down!) RAA Truck from Wakerie to Peterborough. What was in the spares box from the roofless SuperBug. Oh no it's black not red brown! But it fits and the Notch is alive again!
    Comments (2)
    • I always carry a spare, along with rotor cap, points, condensor and fan belt. Absolute must haves.
    • Mind you, I got caught out last year going to ReVolks. Went to use the spare complete distributor that I stashed in the spare wheel well in the backMind you, I got caught out last year going to ReVolks. Went to use the spare complete distributor that I stashed in the spare wheel well in the back of the kombi (along with all my other spares) only to find that the spare wheel well was half full of water and my spare parts were little more than a rusty mess
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