• Finally got some time to do a bit of work on the bus. Decided to get the final outstanding little jobs on the engine finished off. Biggest one was putting some paint on the tin. To be completely honest, as time is thin I just gave it a quick rattle can to make it all the same colour. If I had a spare couple of days I might have elected to do a better job but at this stage I just want to get the bus back on the road.

    The other jobs were mounting the ignitors for the twin coil packs and putting the IACV and TPS onto the throttle body. With the ignitors I decided to forgo fitting heat sinks and make them air-cooled instead. A 20mm hole and a couple of washers behind them is enough to space them out a little and get some air flow over them.

    The IACV (Idle Air Control Valve) is a stepper based unit which is compatible with most modern ECU's I also have a two wire PWM style IACV that is compatible with Megasquirt units. The TPS is a generic unit that should work with all ECUs.

    The other thing that I started to do but ran out of time with is taking a little weight off of my flywheel. The aim here is to lighten it by a kilo or so. The stock flywheel is about 7.5kg, and the lightened ones available off of the shelf are about 5.5kg (12.5lb). If I can get it somewhere between 6 - 6.5kg I will be happy.

    Next job is to make a jig to 8 dowel the flywheel and crank.
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