•   Mick reacted to this post about 6 years ago
    Hello everybody!

    Here is my new engine totally refurbished with some performance goodies for wild rides!

    I hope you like it!


    Forged Chromoly crank 69mm
    Light flywheel with 8 dowels
    1600cc Mahle forged pistons and cast barrels
    Total Seal gapless piston rings
    CB Performance Panchito heads 40mm X 35.5mm super grip valves, dual hi rev springs, titanium retainers.
    1.25:1 high ratio rockers
    Light weight racing lifters
    Engle W110 camshaft
    Aluminum super duty push rods
    Melling heavy duty oil pump
    Kennedy 1700lb. clutch
    Royal Purple synthetic high performance motor oil

    Canems Performance engine management
    Crank Trigger sensor by The Dub Shop
    TPS Kit for Weber 40DCOE

    Bosch wasted spark coil with built in coil drivers
    MSD 8mm street fire ignition wires
    NGK Iridio DR8EIX spark plugs

    Weber 40DCOE Carburetor
    RamAir air filter
    Aisin AMR500 Supercharger
    BBM supercharger full synthetic oil

    Engine accessories:
    CB performance engine pulley serpentine belt system
    Empi crankcase breather box
    Facet fuel pump
    Empi dog house fan shroud

    Vintage Speed stainless steel super flow header

    VDO Oil pressure gauge 80 psi
    VDO Tachometer
    VDO Vision Boost Gauge
    Cartek Sequential Shift Light
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