• Went down to visit the bus at the shop today now that its back from the blasters. The bus is having the tinworm fixed up by Cooper Pratt. He's cut the sills out and most of the front cab and has started collecting the necessary panels to make it solid again. He also spent some time reshaping the rear corners which had been pretty bashed around.

    Overall the bus is not too bad, no real surprises, just the usual rot in the usual places. The cargo area floor is salvageable albeit a little bashed up, which is good. It's come up surprisingly well from the blasting, I was almost expecting it to dissolve but it's solid enough to leave as-is with some small areas to repair.

    I'm pretty stoked to see some progress on the bus after its sat in my driveway unloved for the past 8 years. Things are finally starting to take shape, Who knows, it might even make it back on the road in 2021.
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